If you have had the opportunity to read or listen to Spanish on multiple occasions, you might have observed how the language exhibits changes that depend on the context in which it is expressed. These variations often manifest in accents, pronunciation, and even the choice of words. But have you ever wondered why this happens? […]
In most cases, the word translation is understood as a linguistic solution in which a specialist facilitates the understanding of a document between at least one language pair, regardless of the file type or format. However, translations are not only a way to expedite the transmission of valuable information, but also a vital aid for […]
In a world that is more connected than ever, the translation of Legal documents has become a necessity. Just a few possible scenarios where Legal Translation is needed: International Lawsuits Domestic Lawsuits where the parts don’t speak the same language The translation of evidence (for example audio or video recordings) eDiscovery processes where part […]
Spanish and English are languages that have close similarities between them, for example, it is estimated that the grammatical structure of English is similar to that of Spanish in more than 90%. In addition, these languages have coincided in periods of development and in relatively close geographic spaces, which explains the existence of words practically […]
A commonly used anglicism for the adequacy of products in foreign markets is localization. This process implies the adaptation of a good or service to be accepted in a specific geographic location, according to the uses and customs of the communities that live there. An example of this would be the different flavors of Kit-Kat […]
Having an editable source file to work with is a well-known aspect of the translation industry, but it often goes undiscussed. Editable files can easily be translated while still maintaining the original format and allows a translator to take advantage of all the quality and productivity tools at their disposal (Translation Memories, Glossaries, Do Not […]

Globalization is perhaps one of the key defining aspects of the 21st century. We live in a world where people are more connected than ever. In the Services sector companies have clients and competitors all over the world. In the product sector value chains go across continents, and in the manufacturing process of even the […]
Should I translate my website? That’s a question many business owners are asking themselves. And with good reason. With today’s rapidly globalizing economy more and more businesses are deciding to translate their websites, and they’re reaping big rewards. There have never been more reasons to translate your website. This blog will examine some of these […]
Let’s imagine for a second that you have an amazing new product or service that is just better than anything the competition has. You have prototyped it, launched it locally and then expanded little by little (or very fast) and now you sit comfortably in a strong position on your local market. One day you […]
In today’s globalized economy, the need to communicate with speakers of other languages is sure to arise. This could be in the form of a recurring communication, or perhaps just a one-time need. No matter whether your business deals in finance, health care, legal, education, e-commerce, or another field, this issue is bound to come […]