Safety First:
Translations for
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
There’s no improvising when dealing with Occupational Safety and Health translations. Make sure you are working with experts with a thorough knowledge of OSH processes and regulations.
With a proven track record translating Safety materials, we are your best (and safest) choice for the job.
Contact us today and let’s discuss how we can help you.
We invite you to learn about our 3 most outstanding real client cases in the OSH industry.
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A major global aerospace company.
Producing all types of documents and media for their Safety eLearning course for their employees in Germany.
As always with safety, it’s critical to work only with experienced and specialized translators. For that reason, our resource management team, together with the project manager assigned to this job, started by selecting the top translators for the job. They needed to be safety specialists, but they also needed to know how to write clear and engaging educational content.
Since many different types of files needed to be produced (plain text, flip cards, slides, subtitles and voice-over scripts), it was important to create guidelines on how to process them not only on the translation side, but also on the design and technical side.
In fact, each type of document would have different design and technical requirements, such as translation length, page layout, and graphical design.
Also, keeping in mind that we’re dealing with a major global company, our teams proceeded to create translation memories, glossaries and style guides based on previous translations in order to ensure that the newly-translated documents remained consistent with the translations the company had done previously. On top of that, the translation teams used the latest dictionaries and reference materials on German safety writing.
The entire set of files was produced on time and the company used them for the training of their employees working at their offices and facilities in Germany.
A chain of fast-food restaurants.
Translating the training and safety procedures for personnel that needed to operate kitchen equipment (including a deep fryer) into Spanish. Part of the training material had pictures with text that needed to be in Spanish as well.
We formed a team of translators with many years of experience working with kitchen equipment and safety content.
The tone of the translation was kept simple, direct and informative in order to make sure that all employees would understand the translated documents regardless of their educational level.
Last but not the least, on this project it was key to maintain the layout of the training materials/courses just as in the original English files. There were many pictures and schematics with text boxes that needed to be localized, so that employees could follow the process step by step. One of our graphic designers took care of this task and recreated all the images with design software.
After the translations were ready, the designer inserted the translations into the images. This was the final touch to make the final documents look as if they were originally written in Spanish.
With our translations, the client managed to continue training their staff with the goal of reducing accidents in the kitchen.
At the end of the day, that is what it is all about: making people aware of the dangers in their workplace and keeping them safe.
A Canadian mining company.
Translate their latest Workplace Safety presentations. Aside from plain text and images, these presentations had videos that needed to be subtitled.
The first order of business was to extract the videos from the presentations and transcribe and time-code their content. From this material, we created the SRT subtitle files that were the basis for our translation.
Then, all the content was translated by our expert team, taking special care to maintain consistency between the terminology used in the presentations and that used in the video subtitles. We used a special tool for the final QA step that checks for consistency within a file and across the whole project.
A member of our graphics and media team touched up the overall format and took care of the all-too-common problems of text overflow and text cropping.
As a final step, we burned the subtitles on each video, and embedded the videos in the translated presentations.
The end results were 100% translated safety presentations that had videos that were perfectly subtitled. The company used them to train their staff on the new safety measures and remains a satisfied Australis client.
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